Public School provides a varied, visual art program for students from kindergarten
through high school.
Elementary students receive one hour of instruction a week. All students display at least two pieces of art work in a Spring Art Fair which is well attended by the community. Students who do exceptional work are awarded a special "Art Teacher Award of Excellence" ribbon in the Spring Art Fair. Three pieces of student work are chosen from each fourth through sixth grade level for entrance in the Harrisonville, Missouri's Fine Art Association Student Art Contest, held each April.
Junior High art students (seventh and eighth grades) are given a semester of visual art based on culture study. Concentration is placed on cooperative education and on mastery learning. Students display work in the Archie Spring Art Fair, and three pieces of work are chosen for the Harrisonville Fine Arts Association Student contest. For the first time, in the year 2000, Junior High students have a chance for entrance in the WEMO Conference Art Contest. Five pieces of work, from the Archie Junior High, will be judged by WEMO Conference art instructors. Junior High students who maintain the highest grade average in art receive medals of excellence at the end of the school year.
Archie High School students are offered four years of high school visual art. Art I is a basic art class covering art history, appreciation, composition training, and studio art skills. Also offered art Art II, Advanced Art, and Advanced Art II. Advanced classes are for the serious art students who might possibly use art as a career choice. Stress is placed upon self-expression.
High school visual art students are given opportunities for display and competition. All students display at least three art works in the Archie Spring Art Show. Students enter work in the West Central District Art Competition, held at CMSU in Warrensburg, MO. Twelve pieces of student work are entered in the Harrisonville Fine Arts Association Contest held in April each year. During May, twenty-five pieces of high school art work are entered in the WEMO Conference Art Contest. This contest is held each year in conjunction with the City of Archie Fun Fest. Work is ribboned and displayed to the public. High school students have the opportunity to earn District and Conference art patches. Art medals are awarded to students each year who maintain the highest grade averages in art classes.
Submitted January, 2000
By Jennie Whiteside and Margaret Sears